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Light Bringer Projects takes pride in working with arts and non-arts related organizations to fill the needs of our greater community. We are currently working with the following partners in various capacities:
The Zorthian Ranch is one of Southern California’s iconic landmarks of Bohemian culture extending from the 1960s to the present–day. It’s builder, artist-rancher-architect Jirayr Zorthian, integrated art, architecture, open space and nature, using found objects and used materials to create a living “work-in-progress” in the foothills of Altadena, California.
626 GOLDEN STREETS – a family-friendly event opening streets to walk, run, play, skate, bike, explore or just relax in order to experience seven San Gabriel Valley cities in a whole new light.
URBAN INITIATIVES – Nonprofit, non-partisan organization working with community and faith-based entities that respond to economic, housing, and social needs of neighborhoods, cities, and counties from local, regional and global perspectives.
HABITAT FOR HUMANITY - engages the community to volunteer time, talent, money and donated materials to build affordable housing which builds stronger communities, better neighborhoods, stable families and relationships that will last for years to come.
FRIENDS OF THE CASTLE GREEN - The Friends are a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving and restoring the historic integrity of the iconic “Castle Green” built in 1898 and located at 99 S. Raymond Avenue in Old Pasadena.
DAY ONE - a community-based nonprofit organization with a 26-year history of providing effective, high quality and culturally-sensitive public health education, intervention, and policy development with an emphasis on youth empowerment.
LEADERSHIP PASADENA - an eight-month series of workshops, retreats, and group projects designed to provide a greater awareness of community resources, encourage personal growth and skills needed to affect positive change. Specific workshops focus on education, economics, government, art and history, quality of life and personal mastery.